March 22, 2024
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  • What They Are Saying: Support for House Budget Committee’s Ten-Year, Balanced Budget Continues to Grow

           Two weeks ago, the House Budget Committee made history and passed the “Reverse the Curse” budget. This was the first time in a decade that the committee released its budget before the President released his. House Republicans’ ten-year balanced budget reignites economic growth by one percent over the CBO baseline, cuts deficit spending by $14 trillion dollars, and reduces our debt-to-GDP ratio by 40 points, without raising taxes. 
    So far, the “Reverse the Curse” budget is backed by dozens of stakeholders and budget watchdogs from across the country. Below are statements of support from some of them:

    Americans for Prosperity – Kurt Couchman

    “The budget resolution is Congress’ crucial first step toward holistic management of the federal budget.”

    Blue Cross Blue Shield Association – David Merrit

    “Thank you for your consideration of including site-neutral reforms in the FY 2025 budget resolution blueprint.”

    Citizens Against Government Waste – Tom Schatz

    “The House Budget Committee’s budget resolution would help to end this spendthrift behavior and restore fiscal sanity to Washington.”

    Cato Institute – Romina Boccia

    “I commend the Committee and its Chairman, Jodey Arrington, for showing the American people that where there is a will, there is a way. This budget continues a critical conversation about building pathways for a more sustainable future and a more prosperous economy.” 

    Consumer Energy Alliance – Kaitlin Hammons

    “Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national consumer advocate focused on the impacts energy policy has on families, small business, and consumers, writes to voice its support to the House Budget Committee and budget items within the Committee’s resolution that coincide with H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act. H.R.1.”

    Competitive Enterprise Institute Clyde Wayne Crews Jr.

    The new Blueprint understands that the fusion of spending and regulation characterizing governance in today’s America is unsustainable, and that new boundaries on spending and red tape are urgent.”

    Economic Policy Innovation Center – Paul Winfree

    “The House Budget Committee has been at the forefront of sounding the alarm on our budget challenges. The Committee has also led the way in providing solutions that would rein in spending, cut waste, grow the economy, and promote opportunity.”

    Federation for American Immigration Reform – Joe Chatham

    "We commend the House Budget Committee for calling to implement the policies in the Secure the Border Act as part of its Fiscal Year 2025 concurrent resolution. Throwing more money at the Biden Administration’s border crisis won’t solve it and neither will weak bills that maintain the status quo.”

    Foundation for Government Accountability – Tarren Bragdon

    “Under Chairman Arrington’s leadership, the House Budget Committee is doing important work to help America and her citizens reach their full potential. They understand the challenges we face as a nation and the solutions that will put our country back on a path to greatness.”

    FreedomWorks – Jason Pye

    “We support the Budget Committee’s efforts to steer the budgetary ship toward continued prosperity for future generations. We simply cannot afford not to.”

    Heritage Action for America – Ryan Walker

    “This budget resolution represents a clear roadmap for Americans to hold their elected officials accountable during the annual appropriations process. We look forward to that work.”

    The Heritage Foundation’s Border Security and Immigration Center – Lora Ries

    “We applaud the work of Chairman Arrington and the entire House Budget Committee for underscoring the imperative need for Congress to end the Biden Border Crisis once and for all.”

    The Heritage Foundation – Richard Stern

    “We applaud the work of the Chairman Arrington and the other members and staff of the House Budget Committee for tackling the hard task of laying out a foundation for a balanced and appropriate federal budget.”

    NumbersUSA – James Massa

    “On behalf of our 8 million activists nationwide, we extend our gratitude for your inclusion of H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, in the FY 2025 House Budget Resolution.”

    Paragon Health Institute – Brian C. Blasé

    “Without tackling the excessive cost of government health programs, deficits and debt will continue rising to record levels, threatening future American prosperity with higher future interest rates, inflation, and taxes. This budget shows the magnitude of these challenges and begins a necessary conversation about addressing the deteriorating fiscal position of the federal government.”

    R Street Institute – Nan E. Swift

    “R Street Institute applauds the House Budget Committee and Chairman Jodey Arrington for taking up a Fiscal Year 2025 budget resolution. Though this practice has fallen out of favor in recent years, agreeing on an annual budget resolution is an essential first step toward restoring both our fiscal health and Congress’ power of the purse.”

    Texas Public Policy Foundation – Greg Sindelar

    “This budget brings common sense policies to Washington and changes the trajectory of federal spending. By bringing fiscal sanity back to DC, Texas and Texans will benefit from a nation with long-term financial stability.”

    American First Policy Institute – Matthew Henderson

    Chairman Arrington is leading the way with a proposal to balance the budget, curb inflationary pressures, and put our nation on a path to affordability, prosperity, and security.”

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